Words of the Week!

Spry- Active, lively

Virulent- Harmful, hostile

Chagrin- Distress, humiliation

Stealth- Secretive

Facile- Easy

Stymied- Prevent, hinder progress

Equestrian- Related

Buoyant- Floating

Inscrutable- Impossible ot understand

Narcissist- Obsessed with yourself

Abeyance- Temporary disuse

Diminution- Reduce in size, extent, importance

Taciturn- Silent

Tractable- Manageable

Finicky- Picky

Skittish- Easily scared

Fortitude- Strength

Parochial- Having a limited mindset; not worldly

Litany- A lot of

Sinecure- Job requiring little work

Extemporaneous- Done without preparation

Perogative- Right or Privilege

Histrionic- Overly theatrical

Quotidian- Regular

Disavow- To reject

Aberrant- Strange

Embryonic- Beginning stages

Incriminate- Make someone appear guilty


Torpid- Mentally or physically inactive

Expounded- Explain something

Extemporize- Improvise

Expostulate- Disagreement

Balderdash- Nonsense

Humbuggery- Sham

Amorphous- No shape

Anomalous- Deviating from what is normal

Foundered- Fall or sink down

Staggering- Walk unsteadily