Words of the Week!

Reconnaissance- A military search to discover hidden info

Heuristics- Trial and Error

Empirics- Related to experiments/observation

Medium- A way of doing something, and intermediary

Etymology- Study of the origin of a word

Entomology- Study of insects

Ornithology- Study of birds

Histrionic- Overly dramatic/emotional

Supple- Flexible

Denizen- An inhabitant of a particular place

Foible- A weak character trait or idiosyncracy

Bounty- Plentiful amount

Halycon- A past time that was happy

Sedulous- Diligent, meticulous

Propitious- Favorable

Jocular- Playful, joking in manner

Doctrine- {Set of Beliefs} or principles

Scrupulous- Diligent, careful

Litigious- Prone to sue people, argumentative

Profundity- Brilliant, insightful

Flippant- Rude, arrogant

Jingoism- Patriotic

Languid- Slow, lazy, peaceful

Aplomb- Self-confident

Callow- Young, inexperienced, immature

Topography- A map that shows terrain

Supplant- To replace

Solicitous- Eager, interested, concerned

Deft- Skillful and quick

Lassitude- Weak, no energy

Incorrigible- Not correctable

Lugubrious- Sad 

Chicanery- Using trickery to achieve something

Misnomer- A wrong name, misuse of a word

Entrenchment- A protected position

Sedulous- Dedicated, diligent

Sundry- Several, having many kinds

Tenable- Possible, reasonable

Simian- Related to monkeys

Lintel- Architectural support for a building

Finial- Decorative element for honor

Enclave- Isolated/separated group of people

Bagatelle- A task or piece that is trivial, light, non-essential

Subordinate- Person under the authority of another

Chauvinistic- Feeling superior because of race or gender

Oblivious- Unaware, disconnected

Hidebound- Stubborn, unwilling to change

Effete- Related to feminine characteristics

Ribald- Inappropriate/vulgar in a humorous way

Supine- Lying face up

Caterwaul- Shrill, wailing noise

Vassal- Related to feudal times

Verisimilitude- The appearance of being real

Miniscule- Tiny

Polarize- To separate into 2 sides of an issue (political, economic, etc…)

Paternalism- Political system of restricting the freedom of lower peoples

Schism- Separation