SAT Grammar- Words of the Week-Latin Phrases

Ex post- After the fact

Persona nonĀ grata- An unwelcome person

Ex ante- Before the fact

Carpe diem- Seize the day/of the day

A posteriori- Relating to observed facts

Dues ex machina- From Gd, Machine

Ceteris paribus- Holding all else constant

A fortiori- For a stronger reason

Habeus corpus- Of the body (a legal requirement that a defendant has a right to a jury)

A priori- Known through facts

Ante diluvian- Before the flood

Ante bellum- Before the war

Bona fida- Genuine/real

Ante meridiem- Before midday (a.m.)

Mea culpa- Through my own fault

Vice versa- The other way around

E Pluribus Unum- Out of many, one

Post meridiem- After midday (p.m.)

Veni vidi vici- I came-I saw-I conquered