Words of the Week!

Treacly- Sickeningly sweet or overly sentimental Fiasco- Big disaster Wayward- Disobedient Draught- Animal used for pulling heavy things Innate- Inner characteristic Brevity- Briefness Diurnal- Awake during the day (opposite of nocturnal) Polymorphous- Something that takes many forms Simian- Related to monkeys or apes Perservate- To repeat over and over/obsessively Kudos- Honor/glory Byzantine- Difficult to understand[…]

Words of the Week!

Constituency- The residents of a district (political) Debacle- A sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall Endorse- Approve, support Incumbent- Current office holder Partisan- One-sided; prejudiced; committed Abdicate- Renounce; give up Antiquated- Obsolete; outdated Bourgeois- Middle class; selfishly materialistic Caste- Hereditary social classes Emancipate- To set free Enterprising- Ready to undertake ambitious projects Expedite- To hasten the process[…]

Words of the Week!

Amalgam- Mixture of different elements; alloy Corrosion- Destruction by chemical action Dichotomy- Split; divided in two parts (often contradictory) Dispersion- Breaking up or scattering in various directions Dregs- Sediment; worthless residue Ferment- Breaking something down; civil unrest Hermetic- Sealed airtight Impermeable- Impervious; not permitting passage through Innate- Inborn; possessed as an essential characteristic Malleable- Capable[…]

Words of the Week!

Refractory- Rejecting authority Assiduous- Diligent Dejected- Depressed  Indifferent- Apathetic; not caring one way or the other Conservation- Saving; not squandering or wasting a resource Husbandry- Cultivation of agriculture or Careful use of a resource Improvisation- Making it up as you go along Partisanship- Sticking to one side (political) Gruff- Rough in speech or manner[…]

Words of the Week!

Municipal- County or Local Lattice- A wooden frame Preclude- Prevent, cut off possibilities Tyrant- Ruthless dictator Efficacious- Efficient, helpful Calamity- Disaster Revel- Partying/Enjoying Sparring- Dueling physically, or engaging in an argument Portend- Predict into the future Pontificate- Lecture in a bossy tone Proscription- Not allowed, not permitted Vagary- Unpredictable or extravagant action or notion Alderman-[…]

Words of the Week!

Simian- Relating to monkeys or apes Lintel- Architectural support for a building or window Finial- Decorative element meant for honor Enclave- Isolated/separated group of people Bagatelle- A task or piece that is trivial, light, or non-essential Subordinate- Person under the authority of another Chauvinistic- Feeling superior because of race or gender Oblivious- Unaware, disconnected Hidebound-[…]

Words of the Week!

Vitriol- Hateful speech Amiable- Friendly Brazen- Too bold Circumspect- Cautious Despot- Ruler with total power Furtive- Secretive Infamy- Notorious (famous for bad reasons) Knell- Solemn sound of a bell Maverick- Independent-minded person Nominal- Insignificant Umbrage- Offense (to take offense at something) Wanton- Immoral, lustful Aver- To declare Corporeal- Tangible, material, not spiritual Disabuse- To correct[…]


With colleges and universities becoming more competitive every year, high school students seeking an extra edge in admissions are turning to extracurricular activities. These activities include school clubs, volunteering, music, and sports. Currently, participation in these activities is not required by U.S. high schools or colleges. Some students participate in these activities daily, while others limit their participation to[…]

Math Practice Set 1

Jeff makes $5.00 every day from which he must spend $3.00 for various expenses. Pete makes $10.00 per day but has to spend $7.00 on expenses. If the two of them save together, how long will it take before they can buy a car for $150.00? Two cities are 800 miles apart. At 3:00 p.m., Plane A[…]

Words of the Week

Patronize- Support; act superior toward; be a customer of Philanthropy- Good deeds (often financial) Prosperity- Good fortune; financial Prototype- Original work used as a model by others Purveyor- Furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer Subsidiary- Supplementary; subordinate; secondary Advocate- To urge; plead for One who argues for Altruistic- Unselfishly generous; concerned for others Bureaucracy- Government’s administration Charisma-[…]