Words of the Week

  1. Patronize- Support; act superior toward; be a customer of
  2. Philanthropy- Good deeds (often financial)
  3. Prosperity- Good fortune; financial
  4. Prototype- Original work used as a model by others
  5. Purveyor- Furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer
  6. Subsidiary- Supplementary; subordinate; secondary
  7. Advocate- To urge; plead for One who argues for
  8. Altruistic- Unselfishly generous; concerned for others
  9. Bureaucracy- Government’s administration
  10. Charisma- The power to win the devotion of many people
  11. Constituency- The residents of a district (political)
  12. Debacle- A sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall
  13. Endorse- Approve, support
  14. Incumbent- Current office holder
  15. Partisan- One-sided; prejudiced; committed
  16. Abdicate- Renounce; give up
  17. Antiquated- Obsolete; outdated
  18. Bourgeois- Middle class; selfishly materialistic
  19. Caste- Hereditary social classes
  20. Emancipate- To set free
  21. Hierarchy- Arrangement by rank or standing
  22. Iconoclast- Attacking cherished traditions
  23. Insurgent- Rebellious
  24. Posterity- Descendents; future generations
  25. Potentate- Monarch; sovereign
  26. Progenitor- Ancestor
  27. Provincial- Pertaining to a province; unsophisticated
  28. Repatriate- Return to one’s own country
  29. Schism- Division; split
  30. Usurp- Seize another’s power or rank