Top Eight Tips for the ISEE Test

  Top Eight Tips for the ISEE Test   Review vocabulary words for the days leading up to the test. The most common ISEE vocab words include -Acclaim-to praise -Aesthetic-related to beauty -Sentimental-Nostalgic-Related to a positive emotional connection to the past -Banal-cliché-commonplace, not original, boring   Exercise the day before the test. Try to tire[…]

ISEE Practice problems

ISEE Practice problems   The average score of 6 students is 98. We know 5 of their scores: 92,50,68,99,120. Find the sixth score.   The average price of 7 items is $40.00. The average of 5 of them is $23.00. Find the average of the other 2 items.   For what value of x does[…]

Top Eight Tips for the ISEE Test

  Top Eight Tips for the ISEE Test Review vocabulary words for the days leading up to the test. The most common ISEE vocab words include -Acclaim-to praise -Aesthetic-related to beauty -Sentimental-Nostalgic-Related to a positive emotional connection to the past -Banal-cliché-commonplace, not original, boring Exercise the day before the test. Try to tire yourself out[…]

ISEE Test-what families need to know.

The ISEE test is a challenging exam administered by the ERB. The test is most commonly taken by 8th graders for the purpose of admission to private high schools. Private boarding schools often prefer the SSAT test, which is similar to the ISEE but administered by a different company. For some students, performance on the[…]

ISEE Test-what families need to know

The ISEE test is a challenging exam administered by the ERB. The test is most commonly taken by 8th graders for the purpose of admission to private high schools. Private boarding schools often prefer the SSAT test, which is similar to the ISEE but administered by a different company. For some students, performance on the[…]

ISEE Test-How can your child study for this test?

ISEE Test-What can your child study?1. Start with vocabulary. We offer middle-high school level vocab lists to start with. Alternatively, use the list in a Kaplan, Princeton Review, or Barron’s book. Even if your child studies Wordly Wise in School, that is not enough.2. Math Achievement. Here is a checklist of major topics that your[…]

ISEE test-NYC and NJ Private High Schools

5 Things to Know about the ISEE test: Is your child entering high school next year? Most private high schools require students to take the ISEE test 1. Students can only take the test once per year. I recommend that most students take the December test.2. All 8th graders take the upper level ISEE test,[…]