New SAT vs. ACT

New SAT vs. ACT

Summary: The new SAT launches in March 2016. The new SAT eliminates vocabulary as a tested skill, requires students to complete a math section without a calculator, and includes a challenging essay task. The ACT has featured gradual changes over the past four years, but it has not undergone the full fledged overhaul that the SAT has. Students must now decide: SAT or ACT.

While the tests share many similarities (no guessing penalty, passage based reading, algebra based questions), students should still try to pick which test most closely matches their skill set.

When making this decision, keep in mind these practical top 5 pros and cons of each test.


Pros Cons
No science section 1 math section with no calculator
Less time constrained than the ACT-easier to finish each section Heavy emphasis on charts and graphical analysis
Superscoring available Difficult essay task
Aligned with PSAT/NMSQT test Reading passages are complex and some are from primary sources
Easier grammar questions Math questions are multi step



Pros Cons
Reading passages are more straightforward Wider variety of math topics-matrices, trigonometry, graphing
Calculator allowed for all math questions Separate Science section
Fewer reading passages (4 reading sets instead of ) More time pressurized
Math questions are more predictable More test questions-215 versus about 150 on new SAT
More practice tests available Not widely superscored


Take-aways: Students who like more predictable, straight forward assessments should take the ACT. The SAT contains higher level reasoning and analysis. Students cannot rely on memorization to excel on either test, but students who take the SAT must be able to see an unfamiliar problem in a new context and solve efficiently. The SAT is an ideal test for students who can use what they know and apply it to new problems.  Additionally, the SAT is also ideal for students who will prepare the the PSAT/NMSQT test administered at the beginning of 11th grade.

For more information on standardized testing and how you can help your child to best prepare, contact Tutoring Solutions Group
Sarah Weltman, Founder-

* SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board, which does not endorse the opinions expressed herein or the products and services provided by Tutoring Solutions Group. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc.

Tutoring Solutions Group (TSG) provides tutoring and courses for the new Redesigned SAT, ACT, ISEE, Accuplacer test as well as enrichment for grades K-12. Our students come from both elite private and public schools and attend the top Ivy League and liberal arts colleges in the United States. Our tutoring services are available throughout the NYC tri-state area. We conduct classes at our learning center in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey as well as in area schools. Please contact us for more information today!

Contact Us:

Tutoring Solutions Group
Sarah Weltman, Founder & President
Phone: 201.816.0248
