The ISEE test is a challenging exam administered by the ERB.
The test is most commonly taken by 8th graders for the purpose of admission to private high schools.
Private boarding schools often prefer the SSAT test, which is similar to the ISEE but administered by a different company.
For some students, performance on the ISEE test is important for placement in high school(students with higher scores get placed in advanced/honors classes).
The ISEE tests both math and verbal skills. There are two sections of math, one reasoning based and the other achievement based.
There are also two verbal sections-one tests vocabulary and the other tests reading comprehension.
8th graders in Algebra 1 will have some familiarity with the math topics.
Important math topics for the ISEE include the following: area and circumfrence of circles/sectors, special triangles, ratios, percentage problems, drt pro