1. Number connections-start to notice the relationships between #s. Even in a phone number. For example, 201.816.0248
In the last 4 digits, 2*4=8. ; In the first 2 digits 2*1=2.
This may seem silly, but starting to keep more numbers in your head will help your brain get in a math mindset.
2. Estimation-For those who think they are very bad at math, estimation is a good place to start. To calculate an 18% tip on a bill that is $58.65.
10% is 5.90 ; 20% is about 12.00 ; So, 18% is a little less-maybe 11.25 ; The precise answer is $10.58
3. First head and then check. Avoid the calculator. Try to do simple calculations yourself and then use a calculator for checking purposes.
4. Learn some basic formulas. Whether you are balancing your checkbook or checking your stock market returns, knowing some basic formulas is helpful. Let’s say that your portfolio increased from $43,250 to $52,900. What is the percent increase? Percent change formula: Percent change=[(new-old) / old] *100