Step 3 of 5: How to prepare for The New Redesigned SAT.

How can I start preparing for the new SAT? Step 3: Graphs and Charts Each week, pick one article from the Wall Street Journal, NYTimes, or Economist that features at least one graph or chart. Write a few sentences, summarizing the information presented in the chart. Try to think of ways in which it verifies[…]

SAT 2 & AP Test Tutoring.

SAT 2 and AP Test tutoring Is your child taking the SAT II Biology, SAT 2 Chemistry, SAT 2 Physics, SAT 2 Math, or SAT 2 Literature test? Tutoring Solutions Group provides tutoring for all SAT 2 Tests and AP Test:  SAT 2 Chemistry SAT 2 Biology SAT 2 Physics AP English Language and Composition[…]

Step 2 of 5: How to Prepare for the New Redesigned SAT.

How can I start preparing for the new SAT? Step 2: Kiss your calculator goodbye. One section of the New Redesigned SAT Mathematics Test will not allow a calculator. Start preparing for this now by trying to some of your math homework each night without a calculator.  Try to solve these few problems right now[…]

Step 1 of 5: How to prepare for the New SAT.

How can I start preparing for the new SAT? Step 1: Read more widely. The new test will feature passages from literary giants like Mark Twain. Challenge yourself to read from 5 genres American Literature British Literature Magical Realism Political Science/Economics Physical Sciences #newsat   #sat   #redesignedsat   Tutoring Solutions Group (TSG) provides tutoring[…]

Vocab Review for the New Redesigned SAT.

Check out some words to review for the New Redesigned SAT below. Before you use a dictionary try to see what you know first! iconoclast indefatigable ineffable inimical intransigent invective juxtaposition laconic languid legerdemain limpid magnanimous malediction mawkish modicum munificence nefarious obsequious obstreperous ostensible palliate paucity penurious perfunctory probity prurient pulchritude quagmire recalcitrant rectitude restive[…]

Top 5 Skills for the New Redesigned SAT

   Top 5 Skills for the New Redesigned SAT The new SAT is launching in March 2016-Let’s get ready Here are the top 5 skills to succeed on the New SAT Test 1.Graphical analysis-The new test has a heavier emphasis on graphs and charts (in both reading and math). A great way to improve your[…]

Extra Math Practice for The New Redesigned SAT.

Check out some additional math practice problems for The New Redesigned SAT. 1. An agent receives a commission of 40 cents for every $50 of business she procures. What percent is the agent’s commission? (A) 0.8% (B) 1.0% (C) 1.25% (D) 1.5% (E) 2.5% 2. Mindy’s average monthly salary for the first 4 months she[…]

Math Practice for The New Redesigned SAT.

Check out some math practice for The New Redesigned SAT below. 1. Aaron is staying at a hotel that charges $99.95 per night plus tax for a room. A tax of 8% is applied to the room rate, and an additional onetime untaxed fee of $5.00 is charged by the hotel. Which of the following[…]

ACT Math Practice-Polynomials

Check out some ACT Math Practice!   Graphing polynomial functions with functions ACT Math Practice-Polynomials Advanced ACT Math Practice   Vertical asymptote: Set denominator equal to zero and solve for x Zeros/roots/where does y equal zero/where does function cross x axis/solutions Set numerator equal to zero Horizontal asymptotes; y= lines If largest exponent is the[…]

College Guidance Services 2015-2016

College Guidance Services 2015-2016 Choose TSG to help your family navigate the college admissions process Remove the stress factor from college admissions By helping students to start early, we ensure that their essays are fully edited and perfected before submission. We work with students every step of the way from brainstorming essay topics to final[…]