ACT Classes – New Jersey

ACT Classes-New Jersey ACT Class Overview Prepare for the December and February ACT Tests Conquer all 4 sections of the test & the ACT essay Practice with real ACT test questions Receive individualized attention from a test prep expert Reinforce your skills with weekly homework assignments Program Highlights English: Parallel structure, subject-verb agreement, verb choice, rhetorical[…]

The New Redesigned SAT: FALL CLASS

Fall Class 2015 Don’t fear the new SAT! TSG’s SAT Class for the New SAT will comprehensively prepare your child for the new test. SAT Class Overview Prepare for the New SAT-March 2016, May 2016, and June 2016 Practice with real SAT test questions Small class size Receive individualized attention from a test prep expert Reinforce[…]

SAT Test Dates.

SAT Test Dates 2015-2016 Saturday June 6, 2015 & Sunday June 7, 2015 -Registration Deadline:May 8, 2015 -Late fee required: May 9, 2015-May 22, 2015 Saturday October 3, 2015 & Sunday October 11, 2016 Saturday November 7, 2015 & Sunday November 8, 2015 Saturday December 5, 2015 & Sunday December 6, 2015 Saturday January 23,[…]

ACT Test Dates.

ACT Test Dates: 2015-2016 Saturday June 13, 2015 & Sunday June 14, 2015 -Registration Deadline:May 8, 2015 -Late fee required: May 9, 2015-May 22, 2015 Saturday September 12, 2015 and Sunday September 13, 2015 -Registration Deadline: August 7, 2015 -Late fee required: August 8, 2015-August 21, 2015 Saturday October 24, 2015 and Sunday October 25, 2015 -Registration[…]

ACT Classes-New Jersey

ACT Classes-New Jersey ACT Class Overview Conquer all 4 sections of the test & the ACT essay Practice with real ACT test questions Receive individualized attention from a test prep expert Reinforce your skills with weekly homework assignments Program Highlights English: Parallel structure, subject-verb agreement, verb choice, rhetorical skills Math: Geometry, Trigonometry, Ratios, Algebra Word Problems Reading: Speed[…]

ACT Advanced Math Problems

Check out some Advanced ACT Math problem below!  1. The IRS max to contribute to a 401K is 18,000. If Sam deposits the money every year for 35 years, how much will he eventually have? Assume the annual average rate of return is 6%. 2. Alternatively, Sam can invest $400,000 now and keep that money[…]

SAT Classes for the New Redesigned SAT

SAT Classes for the New Redesigned SAT Don’t be scared of the new SAT! If your child is a rising junior, there is a good chance that he or she will need to take the new SAT test.  TSG takes the stress out of standardized testing through our small group classes and private tutoring sessions. What[…]

SAT II Literature Test Tips

 SAT II Literature Test Tips Test Taking Tips for SAT II Literature Important Vocabulary Words 1. Sonorous-loud/deep sounds 2. Conspicuous-visible 3. Repose-rest 4. Admonishing-critical 5. Reverence-deep respect 6. Reverie -celebration SAT II Literature Terms 1. Couplet-a 2 line rhyme unit with same meter 2. Quatrain-4 line stanza or poem a.AAAA; AABB; ABAB 3. Sestet-a stanza[…]

Extra Time on the ACT.

Extra Time on the ACT-ACT  Test Taking Tips Have you been granted extra time on the ACT? Here is how the extra time allotment works on the ACT Students with ‘time and a half’ have about 4 and a half hours to complete the four main sections of the ACT Test: English, Reading, Math, and[…]

High School Reading List-Reading help New Jersey

Reading Help for High School Students Does your high schooler hate reading? Is sparknotes a substitute for actually reading assigned books?      Reading is one of the most essential skills for high school students, and short stories are a great place to start. We recommend this set of 5 short stories and plays for 9th-12th[…]