New SAT vs. ACT

New SAT vs. ACT Summary: The new SAT launches in March 2016. The new SAT eliminates vocabulary as a tested skill, requires students to complete a math section without a calculator, and includes a challenging essay task. The ACT has featured gradual changes over the past four years, but it has not undergone the full[…]

ACT Classes-New Jersey

ACT Classes-New Jersey Is your child taking the December ACT test, February ACT test, or April ACT test? Tutoring Solutions Group’s ACT Prep Course is the perfect way for your child to prepare for the ACT Test ACT Class Overview Prepare for the December and February ACT Tests Conquer all 4 sections of the test[…]

SAT Class New Jersey

SAT Classes New Jersey The New SAT is here….. But do not fear! Is your child a Junior in high school? Most Juniors will take the New SAT TSG’s SAT Course teaches the ins and outs required for the SAT Reading Test, the SAT Math Test, and the SAT Writing and Language Test SAT Class Overview[…]

ISEE Math Topics-Upper Level

ISEE Math Topics-Upper Level There are more topics than you may think on the ISEE Mathematics Achievement Test and the ISEE Quantitative Reasoning Test Make sure your child has a firm foundation in these math 8 topics: Grouping like terms with variables and exponents Absolute value equations Absolute value inequalities Mean median mode Factor label[…]

ISEE Practice problems

ISEE Practice problems   The average score of 6 students is 98. We know 5 of their scores: 92,50,68,99,120. Find the sixth score.   The average price of 7 items is $40.00. The average of 5 of them is $23.00. Find the average of the other 2 items.   For what value of x does[…]

ACT Essay Writing Tips

ACT Essay Writing Tips  Set up the debate in your introduction. State the two sides of the argument and let the reader know where you stand. Avoid the passive voice throughout your essay. You active verb (see verb sheet for ideas). Do not use the verb to be (is, was, will be, are, am, etc…). Do[…]

5 Tips for Back to School Success

  5 Tips for Back to School Success   Start early. Make sure all summer reading is complete so your child does not start the year behind. Make a plan. Talk with your child and together make a nightly schedule for homework, sports, and family time. Integration. Reach out to your child’s teachers, advisors, and[…]

Top Eight Tips for the ISEE Test

  Top Eight Tips for the ISEE Test Review vocabulary words for the days leading up to the test. The most common ISEE vocab words include -Acclaim-to praise -Aesthetic-related to beauty -Sentimental-Nostalgic-Related to a positive emotional connection to the past -Banal-cliché-commonplace, not original, boring Exercise the day before the test. Try to tire yourself out[…]

ACT Math Practice

Check out some mixed ACT Math Practice below! ACT MATH PRACTICE 1.A watering pump is filling up a 5 foot cylindrical basin at a rate of 4ft3 per minute. If the radius is 3 ft, what percent of the basin is filled after 20 minutes? 43% 57% 52% 48% 1    B 1   2. If the[…]

New Redesigned SAT.

The SAT is changing in March 2016. The new test has set off a firestorm of anxious parents, worried students, and confused school officials. Despite the frenzy, the new test offers a great opportunity for students to display a wider range of talents to prospective colleges and universities. The Redesigned SAT will generally test the[…]