Percent Practice

What number is 405% of 90



What percent of 500 is 75?



42 is 70% of what number



45% of 500 is what number




12 out of 15 is what percent





125% of 80 is what number



21 out of 300 is what percent




What percent of 22 is 88?




Find 180% of 40



100 is what percent of 20?



80 is what percent of 15?




Find 375% of 60




200 is what percent of 40




325 is what percent of 60?



Amount borrowed: $800.00

Interest rate is 6.4%





Amount borrowed: $450

Interest rate is 19%





Amount borrowed: $1,350.00

Interest rate is 7%





Amount borrowed: $9,250

Interest rate is 9.8







Susan deposited $235 in a savings account with an annual interest rate of 9%. How much interest did she receive at the end of the year?



What is 90% of 87% of 50?






Jane borrowed $1,200.00 to buy a phone. The interest rate was 18%. How much interest must Jane pay?




The bank paid Bryan 6.5%interest on $400 in his savings account. How much money did the bank pay Bryan for using his money for one year?



Veronica borrowed $6000 to help pay for school. At a 13% interest rate, how much interest will she pay to borrow this money for one year?


Pia deposited $550 in a savings account that paid interest at 14% rate. How much money will be in the account after interest is paid at the end of one year?




What percent of 600 is 8?



What number is 625% of 75?



35 is 90% of what number?


55% of 800 is what number?


15 out of 18 is what percent?


40 out of 55 is what percent?


275% of 98 is what number?


80 out of 90 is what percent?


90 is what percent of 70?


14 is what percent of 8?