SAT Preparation Guide-What students and families need to know about the SAT

Here is what you need to know about the SAT test: The SAT has 3 sections-Mathematics, Critical Reading, and Writing. Mathematics The SAT Math section covers topics that students learn in the middle school years all the way through eleventh grade. It also includes a few topics that students may not have seen in their[…]

The SAT is Changing-Why?

The SAT is changing again! Why? 1. It is time for a change. Most major standardized tests change about every 10 years. The last change was in 2005. 2. Some universities did not widely adopt the SAT Writing Section on the current test. The New Redesigned SAT will revert back to a 1600 scale and[…]

The New Redesigned SAT-What you need to know

The New Redesigned SAT-What you need to know 1. The New Redesigned SAT will affect students who are currently in or below 10th grade. The test will be launched in Spring 2015 2. The test will revert back to a grading scale out of 1600. There will also be an essay based on textual analysis.[…]