Do You Know What All of These Words Mean?

Brood- Young of an animal

Confer- Discuss/conference with

Din- Noisy

Disinter- To take out of original place

Dole- To distribute out

Ensconce- To settle in or to hide

Forelock- Front of a horse’s mane

Gambol- To play light heartedly

Ignominious- Bringing shame

Knoll- Hill

Machination- Sneaky plot

Maxim- A saying that is widely accepted

Poultice- A bandage

Scullery- Room next to the kitchen

Shirk- To avoid (work)

Toil- To work hard

Trotter- Foot of an animal

Windfall- Suddenly having good luck

Chaff- Cut up straw/residue

Treacly- Sickeningly sweet or overly sentimental

Fiasco- Big disaster

Wayward- Disobedient

Draught- Animal used for pulling heavy things

Innate- Inner characteristic

Brevity- Briefness

Diurnal- Awake during the day (opposite of nocturnal)

Polymorphous- Something that takes many forms

Simian- Related to monkeys or apes

Perservate- To repeat over and over/obsessively

Kudos- Honor/glory

Byzantine- Difficult to understand

Inane- Stupid/silly/not making sense

Venality- Related to bribery/corruption

Arboreal- Related to trees

Feral- Existing in a wild state (animals that live in the wild)

Rogue- Wild animal that lives away from pack; dangerous

Venomous- Capable of producing poison

Pygmy- Small animal or plant